For our classroom sessions, we will all be using the same translation of the Bible. The New American Bible Revised Edition, St. Joseph Edition is the one we have selected. This is an excellent Catholic Bible to use for leaching, personal learning, reflection, and prayer.
While many of you many have a favorite Bible you like to use, we ask the everyone uses this Bible when we learn together as a group.
We do this so everyone will have the same edition, making it simple to refer to a page number rather than a book, chapter, and verse, which can be difficult to find quickly.
There are many maps, tables, photographs, footnotes, cross-references, and other documents contained within this translation. Finally, the print is easy to read!
Please keep your favorite Bible handy, as it is special to you, but bring this translation to class to make our learning more easy and complete.
Everyone who registers for RCIA will recive a copy of this translation, and it will be yours to keep. Thay way you can highlight important passages and make helpful notes.